Wednesday 18 September 2013

It's all Good....busy....but good.

Do you ever feel like you are running a race....but you can't get to the finish line?

We've been REALLY busy the last few weeks.

It's not that I didn't have anything to blog's just that I didn't have time to blog! is the update.

Jack made an aquatic biosphere. 

We've been watching snails and ghost shrimp in this mason jar.  It's pretty neat. Sophie took these photos....

We went to the plowing match on the weekend.

The kids took their chickens....those ones that they washed one July day.  I took buttertarts and some cake in a jars.  We drove in separate vehicles.  I managed to take one photo that day.

Here it is.

We had a good time.  The little girls jumped in the bouncy castle and we ate poutine.

And I sold all my buttertarts.

Then it was my mom's birthday.  This is what happens when you shove colour gel into a bag of white buttercream icing.

You get swirls.  And it's good.

Then I did a photo shoot with a rooster.

This rooster will be auctioned off at the 150th Carp Fair next weekend.

We needed to get a good photo WITH the ribbon.  But he just wanted to peck at the ribbon.

After some yodelling I managed to get this...

Terry has been combining the grain and the older kids have been baling the straw and packing it into the barn.

It's golden.  It's bedding for the momma cows and all their new calves that will be arriving this winter.

Johanna was unloading and the boys were in the barn piling.

In other news, we have had our first frost and I can see that the leaves are beginning to change colour.  

But the BIGGEST news of all is that Sophie was elected class representative for her grade one class today.  We celebrated by going to town....not really ( I needed groceries )....but I let her buy two new sheets of stickers and some jewels.  She decorated a crown with the jewels.  I'm hoping that this is just the beginning of her political career.  She will one day be prime minister and we will all have to wear homemade crowns with jewels.

It will be good.


1 comment:

  1. Yeahhhhh for Sophie! I am not surprised they nominated her :) Jack's rooster looks like a prize winner for sure! Are you coming in to the Carp fair this weekend?


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